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Sometimes, Porns Do Happen in Real

5 years ago
You know how they say that “it can only happen in porns”? Well, the joke’s on them.
There’s this little local deli, not far from where I live. I’m not a regular there but you know, when you’re in a bit of a hurry and need something like eggs, salt or liquor. You’ll pay that stuff 20% higher than in a local shopping center, but hey, it’s right there!
So, in that little store, there was a young girl, 20-25, hard to say. But unlike the others who worked there, she wasn’t a chatty person if you know what I mean. She looked pissed more than happy, whenever you stumble upon her on a cash register.
Yet, there was something mystically sexy about her. Blond hair, average height but with few pounds extra, just enough to make her, you know, juicy but not fat or fluffy. The young body can endure few more pounds without looking awkward.
Then again, I never saw anything below the waist since she was sitting in that small, overcrowded space. But judging from what I’ve seen, it was one hot young woman!

And then, one day…
Went to make some late breakfast just to realize that I’m out of, well, pretty much anything. Wasn’t in a mood for shopping so I decided to sift through that local store and see what I can find. Don’t like takeouts and avoiding fast food whenever I can.
So I went there and as I walked in, I heard some strange sound coming from the storage. It seemed like someone was silently moaning or something. Took a look around and noticed how no one’s around. Only me, and someone in that storage who appeared to have injured self.
Something was dragging me to see what’s happening.
Went in there and saw her, fully bent over, rubbing her ankle. She was facing shelves and couldn’t see me. But I saw her. My God that was one amazing ass and a pair of perfectly straight legs. From what I could see, she was one bendy girl. All the way down with her upper body without flexing her knees. You don’t see that a lot.
“I’m sorry, can I help you somehow, miss?” I broke the silence and announced my presence.
She got up and turned in my direction. We were standing only a couple of yards from each other, staring one in another, not saying a damn word.
That almost tangible silence lasted for the entire minute. At least, that’s how long it appeared to me.
She wasn’t moving. She wasn’t saying anything. She wasn’t looking down either. It was like we are on some strange planet, all alone.
I don’t know why, but I started approaching her. Slowly. Didn’t want to spook her in any way. It felt like trying to approach the frighten hind.
But she didn’t try to stop me or to back down. There she was, standing in one place, waiting for me.
I think I flew over those final 2 yards.
We collided with the force of the universe. Like two people who haven’t seen each other for a long time, yet with a history of raw sexual passion.
We didn’t care if somebody would walk in on us. My hands were all over her, squeezing that young, firm ass and playing with her breasts. All I could hear was her silent moaning. But I could feel her fingernails, deep in my back. It didn’t hurt. It just made me go mad.
I turned her around and just pulled that skirt up, revealing one of the beautiful sites known to a man – an astonishing ass with only a strip of the thong between two cheeks.
’t think I’ve ever squeezed the pair of juicy, large breasts with such force before. Harder I’d squeeze, louder her moaning was.
She leaned forward to make it easier for me to strip her of her thong. I crunched down and literary stuck my face between her butt cheeks, and start licking her clit. She used her hands to spread her butt more.
My thumb was gently massaging her anus, which made her go mad. I didn’t have to wait for her orgasm for too long. She started twitching and sticking her butt in my face.
And then, she came with the thunder. My face was all wet and dick was practically piercing through my jeans. I don’t think Johnny was ever that hard.
It took me less than 3 seconds to unzip and lower my pants and shorts.
She leaned forward, pushed her butt out and grabbed my pride. I was sure that she got even more excited when she felt the size of that boner.
Didn’t waste any time. Went right in. First slowly, then faster and faster until we started moving in this wild surreal rhythm.
Then, in the middle of all that rough sex, I heard someone coming into the store. There was that little bell above the entrance door, signaling entrance to the staff.
We didn’t stop. Not for a moment. Only became silent. She straightened her upper body and grabbed me by my hair. My one hand was on her belly. The other was rubbing and squeezing both of her breasts and nipples.
Practically in full contact, we continued, not giving a fuck about someone walking in on us.
It wasn’t long before she came again, and again, and one more time. That last time acted as the nuclear bomb trigger in my head because I came right inside of her. For all I cared in that moment, she could give birth to our child. I don’t think I ever felt that way before.
We stood there, connected for a little while, trying to catch our breaths. I was holding her firmly in my arms like I would never let go.
Slowly, I went out and released her from my grip.
She turned around, looked me straight in the eyes and gave me the single most romantic kiss.
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